Counting Down the Days

Today, The good news is, I'm getting married. I can't believe my self either! I'm 25, and I'm getting married, next month? Never in my imagination that I would married this early, I mean I used to think that I will get married around the end of my twenties, 27 or 28. But Alhamdulillah, I met my other half early hehe. My current feeling, honestly I'm nervous! My heart beats so fast, it feels like I'm consuming caffeine, even though I'm not. I'm also excited at the same time. I love him so much, and I can't wait for the day we could start our life together. I'm grateful that finally, I met someone that I truly love and he loves me back. I hope that everything is gonna be alright. I hope that everyone happy with our marriage, that we could love each other till the end of our life. I hope that happiness, blessed, healthiness, prosperity, Imaan, and love will surround us forever. Bismillah.