I am Quarter of a Century Old Plus One
At the end of May, I got my birthday coming. I am no longer in my early 20s. I am entering the end of my 20s. Oh Time Flies. In the past year, there are so many things going on, the things that we never ever think about it before. In my 25 years old, I got engaged with my best friend on June 7,2019, and got married 6 months later, on December 15, 2019. I never thought that I could marry this early. I used to think that I will get married during my 27 years old or later, but Allah's plan is better. After I got married, everything is fine, my husband and I moved into a kind of apartment (Kosan that look like an apartment), and we keep working in South Jakarta area. But after around February, things got a little bit scared. Oh Dear, 2020, it is such a year! Oh yeah I’m talking about this Coronavirus thing. Okay, it is beyond, my imagination. I never ever once thought that I would experience something like this. I’ve been working from home since March 16, 2020, and ...